Friday, April 25, 2014
Robert N. Clinton, Foundation Professor of Law, recently presented at the 39th Annual Federal Bar Association’s Indian Law Conference in Santa Fe, N.M.
The conference, “Practicing Indian Law in the Digital Age explored the impact new technology is having on the legal environment of Indian law and policy.
Clinton gave a lunchtime speech at the conference commenting on the final report of the Indian Law and Order Commission entitled “A Roadmap for Making Native America Safer.”
Clinton teaches and writes about federal Indian law, tribal law, Native American history, constitutional law, federal courts, cyberspace law, copyrights, and civil procedure. His publications include numerous articles on federal Indian law and policy, constitutional law, and federal jurisdiction. He is the co-author of casebooks on Indian law and federal courts, The Handbook of Federal Indian Law (1982 ed.) and multiple editions of American Indian Law: Native Nations and the Federal System, Colonial and American Indian. He also is a Faculty Fellow in the Center for Law, Science & Innovation.